That’s exactly what you are going to be introduced to today.
Today, I’m going to give you an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at our Amazon FBA Mastery membership by Just One Dime.
The membership I will show you today comes from the minds of badass coaches, many of whom are six and seven-figure Amazon sellers. Together, we all have a combined 50+ years experience selling on Amazon.
Our team at Just One Dime has consulted for Forever21, BMW, a business from Shark Tank, and even Amazon themselves. Over 30 of our students (that we know of) have become millionaires. We’ve helped hundreds more fire their bosses and live the life of their dreams.
Why the Amazon FBA Mastery Membership by Just One Dime?
Can you succeed on Amazon without a course, a coach, or other instructional content?
If I could go back in time and redo my own Amazon FBA journey, would I do it by myself (which I 99% did) or, instead, would I use what I’ve created for Just One Dime to assist me on the journey?
100% I would use this training. And I would have used it at the time…had my team and I already made it.
Consider Just One Dime student Crystal Laborin:
Crystal wasn't looking to start an Amazon store. She just wanted to create freedom in her life to spend more time with her family and travel the word. It just so happened that she stumbled across the Just One Dime YouTube channel when she was looking for ways to make extra cash online.
Crystal actually purchased multiple Amazon FBA courses until she chose Amazon FBA Mastery as the membership to end them all.
Last year, Crystal did over $500,000 in revenue. This year, she’s on track to hit well over $1,000,000. She also fired her boss a few months ago. Crystal no longer asks a manager or a corporate hierarchy when she can take days off or go on vacation. She just goes. And she makes money while she travels, thanks to her Amazon store.
But if you, like Crystal, choose a course to guide you on your Amazon FBA journey, how do you know that you will see a strong return on your investment?
There are dozens of Amazon FBA courses out there, and to be fair, some of them are legit. However, not every course is worth its price, including some of the legit courses, which of course you can’t know until you’ve already handed over your credit card, and by then, it’s too late.
But does that mean you should stay where you’re at and not try to build an Amazon FBA store just because you don’t know if Just One Dime can truly help you or not?
No, I will show you exactly what you’re going to get when you join Just One Dime. But I also want to let you know if you are not satisfied when you join, you have 14 days to refund your membership. We will not ask you any questions except for one:
What could we have done better?
Membership Features
Our membership can be purchased at two different levels: Basic and Premium. Both levels include unlimited, unending access (you read that right!) to the membership’s five different courses, which are regularly updated to stay current.
Each course consists of several different video lessons outfitted with the following features:
Chapter markers

Need to review a section of a video or finish a lesson you couldn’t make it through in one sitting without rewatching the entire lesson?
We’ve got you covered with handy chapter markers. These dots on each video’s timeline are labeled with that chapter’s specific content, allowing you to jump right back to where you need to be without playing the dreaded video timeline guessing game.

Never worry if you’ve heard what we’ve said correctly or if you’re hearing impaired. The video captions on our lessons are added by us…not by a bot or a computer. Sure, it takes us some extra time, but it’s worth it. Our video captions say the exact same thing that we do. They just make it a little clearer and easier to understand.

Throughout our video lessons, you’ll notice external links mixed in with some of our own infographics. These links lead you to hand-picked resources that can help you along your selling journey.
These links consist of handy outside web page references, third-party services, and even Just One Dime exclusive guides.
For example, you’ll find hidden gems such as a free cease and desist letter template, carefully crafted to scare away any hijackers who might be illegally stealing your hard work by piggybacking on your product listing.
We also offer you a product research evaluation tool: A preformatted spreadsheet that has every criteria imaginable, and some you would never think of, to successfully compare product ideas and pick the right one to succeed (We do not offer this outside the membership).
Key Points
Every video lesson includes a “key points” section.

These are fantastic if you’re ever looking for a particular piece of information, can’t quite remember what video it’s in, but don’t want to rewatch absolutely everything.
This feature allows you to quickly browse each lesson’s main points so you can find what you need in a flash.

We include the slides we use in our video lessons below so that you can flip through, learn, and review them on your own time.
Next Steps

We end every single one of our video lessons with a “Next steps” section. These chapters give you practical moves to take immediately following that particular video…not seven videos down the line.
These steps ensure that you can put the practical knowledge we teach into action. And if you follow these steps as you go along, you’ll have a much smoother FBA experience.
The next step chapters also serve as place holders if you ever have to take a break from your store for any reason. Rather than going back and rewatching absolutely everything to ensure that you haven’t missed a critical step or detail, you can rest assured knowing you can start back right where you left off. At least as long as you’ve been following each videos’ next steps ✅.

We furthermore end each lesson with a quiz to ensure that you’ve sufficiently mastered the material within that lesson. And if you don’t get 100% the first time, you can take the quiz again and again until you get that A+. Quizzes can be taken as many times as you need so you can truly master the material.

All of these nifty features are not for show. They’re to help ensure that you get the most out of each and every single course and lesson we offer.
The Courses
Our courses are set up in sequential order to allow you to take actionable steps towards building your own business after each lesson. This is why we named the first course “Start”.

Start is all about getting your business set up.
We’ll take you through:
- The four assets you will need as you start and grow your business
- Different company structures and which ones might work best for your business
- Opening your Amazon seller central account
- Creating a strategy for your brand
- Getting your brand name trademarked
- Taxes and accounting
- General business terminology
Of course, that’s just a quick survey. There’s loads more to learn from this fundamental first course.

Find is where you will scout and evaluate product ideas for your Amazon store. We’ll show you the best places to look for inspiration and how to understand Amazon shopper data to ensure that the ideas you might bring to life will be successful once you launch your product.
We’ll take you through several product research softwares, including AMZ Scout, Helium 10, and Jungle Scout.
Everything we show you we have put into action ourselves, so we know you too can be successful with each and every one.

Build is where things start to feel real: You’re building your first private label product to launch on Amazon!
This stage is crucial. It’s imperative that you select the right manufacturer for your product, conduct a thorough product inspection of your inventory, and outfit your product listing on Amazon as best as you possibly can to achieve maximum success.
But have no fear: That’s why we created so many in-depth video lessons!
We’ll walk you through that entire process, start to finish, and then some. We’ll even teach you the language of international shipping and help you choose the right shipping method and plan to get your products from their factory of origin to an Amazon FBA fulfillment center.

This is a nailbiter: Launching your very first product for sale on Amazon. It’s scary. It’s exciting. It’s a wild roller coaster of emotions. Fortunately you’ve got our 50+ years combined experience selling on Amazon to guide you through a smooth and (hopefully) pain and tearless launch.
The launch course covers:
- The importance of a strong launch (and how to have one)
- Various launch strategies that can be used separately or mixed and matched together
- How to set up effective advertising to collect invaluable shopper data
- How to optimize your advertising strategy to get your product in front of the right customers (and selling)
- How to access, download, and understand your advertising reports
Again, that’s just an overview. We will walk you through every last step down to the most minute detail. Consider these lessons a virtual hand holding: You never launch alone.
Take Johnathan Vo, for example. With Just One Dime’s help, Jonathan launched a new Amazon product that brought in $151,000 in revenue over just five months…and at 35% profit margin. That’s almost $53,000 in profit right out the gate, which is huge!

The final course in our membership, Grow, is dedicated to helping you expand your product’s and store’s reach both on and beyond Amazon.
We’ll teach you how to handle customer issues (such as returns and complaints), how to grow your brand through email marketing and social media channels, even how to expand your brand to other ecommerce platforms such as eBay, Shopify, and more.
The name “grow” truly embodies what this course is all about: helping you to grow your brand and thus income. We even include a section on how to sell your business for a massive profit. Yah, that’s the level of growth we’re talking about: Building a brand so large and so valuable that other companies will be knocking on your door to take your booming company off of your hands.
If you have big entrepreneurial dreams, you’ve got to check this course out: Grow is where you will truly leverage all the other assets offered in our membership.
Premium Membership
As mentioned earlier, the Basic membership consists of all five courses, complete with their shared 500+ pages of videos and materials (including our exclusive resources mentioned earlier). But that is where the Basic membership ends.
Don’t get me wrong, our training is so comprehensive, I have no doubt that a dedicated seller (such as yourself) could succeed on the course videos alone.
But if you want more, I invite you to consider our Premium membership. Yes, it does cost more (it’s premium, not discount!). But these additional resources can help you scale faster, higher, and are many of our students’ favorite parts of the membership.
Product Ideas to Sell on Amazon FBA
We will send you three product ideas that you can launch. Let me rephrase that:
We will send you three hand-picked, vetted product ideas that are unique to you.
We’re not just recycling the same three ideas over and over again and sending them to every student. That’s lazy. Instead, when you sign up for our Premium membership, our team will find you three unique-to-you ideas that meet our recommended product criteria (the same criteria we teach), which means they can succeed.
Now, they might not be something you want to launch. They might be of little interest to you. But they’re potential opportunities. And if you’re a brand new seller who freezes up when you start to think about the daunting challenge of choosing the right first product to launch, these ideas can help take the edge off.
And don’t worry, we won’t send you product ideas without giving you a clue as to where to get the actual, physical products.
Suppliers to Make Your Amazon FBA Products
We will additionally send you three recommendations of suppliers in China who are both vetted and equipped to build the three products we recommend to you. And this is truly special. In our membership, we teach our students to filter suppliers, in part, by the type of operations they run
and the types of products they’re most skilled at manufacturing. And it can take a while to find a strong supplier to build your product type.
So getting three strong, high success probability product ideas complete with suppliers—suppliers hand-picked for you only—who actually make that product type is incredible, if I do say so myself.
Remember how we mentioned it’s so tough to know which course to pick and which course has the most bang for its buck? I’m pretty sure this feature in particular catapults us to the top ⛰.
Amazon FBA Workshops

Our Premium membership comes with unending access to our weekly workshops. You can join them live to get your questions answered in real time by our expert coaches. Or, you can go back and rewatch them whenever you want—even the ones that pre-date the start of your membership.
Each and every single one of our workshops, from when we were just beginning to now, is available for you to watch and learn (unless we’ve replaced an old one with an updated version).
One-on-One Coaching on Your Amazon FBA Journey
Here’s a scenario I’m sure some of you have experienced in other aspects of your life:
You’re following a training program or a lesson. You’re taking good notes, you’re doing all the next steps, you’re even working on extra credit projects (ok, fine, we don’t offer extra credit). But then, you run into a snafu. You’ve done everything right…but you can’t find the answer, or the answer is too complicated for the lesson, no matter how many times you re-do the material.
We’ve put in a safety net to ensure that doesn’t happen: One-on-one coaching sessions with our expert, badass coaches.
First of all, let me assure you that our coaches know their stuff. All of our coaches are Amazon sellers—successful Amazon sellers. We even make them verify their continued successes each month so we know they’re staying up-to-date with anything and everything Amazon FBA.
If you get stuck, set up a one-on-one meeting with your coach. Our Premium membership comes with five coaching mentorship sessions, but you can always add more later on depending on your needs.
And if you have a simple, small, and general question for a coach that doesn’t warrant a session, all you have to do post a message in our Facebook group with the hashtag #coach. One of our coaches will get back to you with an answer in 24 hours.
Just One Dime Amazon FBA Community

We take our membership feedback extremely seriously. And from it we know this: Our community is at the heart of our membership. Dozens of Just One Dime members have literally told us the “community alone is worth its weight in gold.”
“The community behind Just One Dime has really made the difference.” — Jesse Hicks
Jesse was looking to create a unique mold so he could have his brand new product idea manufactured. On his own he was quoted $12,000 for the mold alone. Our facebook group helped to save Jesse 20%. That’s almost $2,500 in savings just asking the right people a few quick questions.
Our community of sellers is truly that: A community. Everyone that is a part of this community wants to help you. They want to offer you their support. They have referrals and recommendations and they want to send them your way. And the recommendations and referrals our community offers are top notch.

The support you get from our community is also unmatched. If you go into our private seller Facebook group with a question, the group is eager to engage. A comment might come from a coach watching the feed. It might come from another seller who just stumbled upon a question that, at this point, they’re an expert on. We all want to help you succeed.

The Investment
It probably goes without saying, but our Basic membership costs less than the Premium membership.
Because our prices have changed and may change in the future, I don’t want to promise you a price right now that I may (full disclosure) forget to change later in this article if/when the price does change.
Instead, I encourage you to meet with one of our Just One Dime team members to see how we can help you, what fits within your budget, and what is right for your goals.
If you do see a post or video about Amazon FBA Mastery that is not on or, keep in mind that the price may reflect a previous version of the membership.
But consider this: The idea behind this membership is that you aren’t just making back your investment, or even just doubling it.
Hundreds of our students have made hundreds times more money than what they’ve invested in our membership.
With that newfound financial freedom, they now do the things they love with the people they love.
If you are dead serious about building the life of your dreams, visit, where you can apply to book a call with a team member who will learn a little more about you—what your goals and long term plans are for your Amazon business—so we can help you grow and scale your Amazon business.