It is the determination of our energetic Amazon warrior community that drives Just One Dime. We are overjoyed to share the personal successes stories of our members, and how they were able to double their dime; over and over.
Harks and his business partner Kabir found direction in their lives when Harks stumbled across a quirky ecommerce seller on youtube with the tagline, “Kniep’in it Real.” Two years later He shares his story of being a Just One Dime student, and how it inspired him to leave his corporate day-job, to then generating over $100,000 of passive income in a year.
From a college student who quit school and travels the world selling online, to a husband from Ohio who makes 10 times more than what he made at his corporate job, Just One Dime has helped students fire their bosses all around the world. Click on any of the videos to the right to hear about their trials, success stories, and the value they’ve gained from being a part of the community.
Just One Dime’s mission is to see others succeed so they can regain their freedom from the 9-5 slavery. If you are just getting started selling on Amazon, we provide a multitude of resources to help you start your business from scratch, in a way that is scalable, profitable, and substainable.