The fastest way to get product IDs for your Amazon product

Secret to a quick and painless start to listing your product
Seth Kniep
Dec 26, 2017
Build Your Amazon Product
I often get a lot of questions about dealing with EANs and other barcodes when sending products to FBA warehouses. People ask me: “Where do I get these codes?” “How much do they cost?” and “Are they really necessary?”

EANs, UPCs, ASINs, and similar codes are just product identifiers. New sellers tend to worry that getting these codes will be a hassle, will be a waste of time, or will cost a lot of money, but getting IDs for your Amazon products couldn’t be easier!

I’m going to show you the fastest, most efficient method I know for getting these codes, in five simple steps. Hopefully, this step-by-step process will relieve some stress for all the new Amazon sellers out there!

#1 Input Basic Product Information

When you’re listing a brand new, unique item on Amazon (something that’s never been listed before!) the first thing you need to do is fill out the basic information. After the basics like the name of the product, the manufacturer, and the brand name, you’ll be asked to input a “Product ID.”

#2 Choose the Type of Code

The options Amazon gives you are ASIN, EAN, GCID, GTIN, or UPC. Now, here’s one of the great things about Amazon – if you input a UPC, Amazon will automatically generate an ASIN. For that reason, I always start with a UPC. This is easy if your supplier or manufacturer already has UPCs for their products. If not, you’ll have to get your own.

#3 Buy UPCs

Go to GS1 and purchase a UPC for your product here. I used to recommend getting these on eBay but I no longer recommend this because Amazon has stated that from here on they only want you using official UPC codes registered universally instead of from a third party seller. This is why I do not even recommend UPC codes from Speedy Barcodes. By purchasing it from GS1, your product is forever universally registered to that code and no one else can use that code because it is registered under your name or company.

UPDATE: GS1 reached out to me to let you know about their pricing update.

GS1 now offers a single UPC option for $30 with no renewal fee. See their full press release here.

#4 Keep Your Codes Organized

After you purchase your UPCs, you’ll most likely receive them in a text file via email. Save that file to your computer in a safe and secure location where you’ll always know where it is. Every time you use a new UPC, mark down the name of the product you used it for right next to the code. This way, you won’t accidentally try to use the same code twice.

#5 Input Your Code

Copy/paste your new UPC into Seller Central, hit “Save and Finish,” and you’re good to go!

Keep in mind that there is an initial fee for each UPC code and then an annual fee. Don't buy it until you actually need it. You'll need it as soon as you are ready to list your product.


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Seth Kniep

Married a pearl. Fathered 4 miracles. Fired his boss. Turned a single dime into $104,857. Today, a self-made millionaire, Seth and his team of 8 badass coaches teach entrepreneurs how to build passive income on Amazon.

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